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Habits, Rituals, Productivity, and the Psychology of Success

Adopt the productivity strategies of top performers to compete at the highest level, perform under pressure without breaking, and unlock your potential.

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C-level executive and professor with 35+ years of experience in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, including leadership positions at McKinsey, IBM, two start-up companies, and a social venture accelerator.


One in a series of modules in my Carnegie Mellon University seminar series "GRIT and The Path to Superhuman Performance". Delivered to a select group of high-potential grad students and various executive teams.

Formal education/training as part of my coaching certification through the Human Potential Academy/Bulletproof. Central to my executive/high potential coaching methodology.

I'm a 4th-degree black belt, world championship medalist, national cycling championship qualifier, and lifelong athlete. The Superhuman Performance Series represents nearly 40 years of research, experimentation, and practice that's allowed a person with VERY ordinary skills and abilities to achieve some extraordinary things.

Service Details

120 minutes
5-15 participants

Key Topics

The power of habits and rituals on productivity, energy management, and well-being.
How to easily and seamlessly incorporate new habits into your daily routine.
Scientifically-backed approaches to boost productivity that actually work.
The science of psychology, motivation, willpower, and goal achievement.
Ways to identify self-imposed barriers and limits to success including self-sabotage.

Decisions You Will Be Able To Navigate

Better equipped to consistently perform at a high level on demand.
How to incorporate effective, high-impact habits and realize compound benefits over the long term.
How to help individuals and teams learn effective ways to become more productive without working harder.

About Tim Zak

C-level executive and professor with 35+ years of experience in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, including leadership positions at McKinsey, IBM, two start-up companies, and a social venture accelerator.
Work History
Carnegie Mellon University
McKinsey & Company
Senior Consultant
  • 35+ years of executive experience
  • New York University, MBA, Finance, Marketing and International Business
  • Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

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