Jessica Harley brings over 30 years of leading and inspiring marketing, sales, analytics, product development, customer service, and operations teams to her coaching practice.
As both an operator and as coach, she has helped leaders of multi-billion dollar organizations and rapidly scaling emerging startups in the technology, retail, and publishing industries to operate with greater authenticity, clarity, and purpose.
With a focus on integrity and authenticity, Jessica coaches already successful executives to operate with greater impact. She challenges leaders to dig deep in order to make better decisions by harnessing the wisdom of their logic, the emotions in their hearts, and the instincts in their gut.
Jessica has navigated a lot of challenges in her career, learned a lot of lessons, and brings that experience to helping leaders bring their best every day. She challenges leaders to dig deep to understand and overcome what is holding them back from their own greatness– and she does it with humor and empathy.
Notable Client Achievements
Coached a startup founder and Chief Innovation Officer to gain greater confidence by challenging beliefs
Coached a CMO to successfully on-board and establish strong relationships following a period of unemployment that left him with insecurities
Coached an innovative first time founder to develop greater project planning and execution skills
Coached a government VP of Human Resources who manages a team of over 100 to better emotionally detach from work to reduce impact on her personal life