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From Conflict to Collaboration, Part 1

Conflict blocks results, lowers productivity, and erodes relationships. When people resolve conflict well, the energy they've harnessed creates solutions.

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A Leadership, Career, and Life Coach, Thomas is passionate about helping people grow personally and professionally, developing the next generation of exemplary leaders, and helping clients find a healthy work-life balance.


Conflict begins when people perceive someone has negatively affected or is about to affect negatively, something they are concerned about or is important to them. The more deeply the concern, the more INTENSE THE CONFLICT.

People tend to react negatively to conflict. The Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) takes a deep dive into conflict and how you react to conflict. The model then serves as a framework for choosing conflict strategies that will best resolve certain types of situations.

Service Details

120 minutes
12-24 participants

Key Topics

Conflict defined
The negative impact of conflict on people and business
Causes of workplace conflict
Default to flight, fight, face, or freeze
Examine your Conflict Mode using the Thomas-Kilmann (TKI) Conflict Mode Assessment

Skills You'll Practice

Emotional Intelligence
Active Listening

Decisions You Will Be Able To Navigate

Which Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode strategy to use for different types of conflict
How to decide not to react emotionally to conflict and decide to choose active listening
Decide when to shift from reducing emotional reactions to rational problem-solving

About Thomas Norris

A Leadership, Career, and Life Coach, Thomas is passionate about helping people grow personally and professionally, developing the next generation of exemplary leaders, and helping clients find a healthy work-life balance.
Work History
Brandman University, Part of the Chapman University System
The Wonderful Company LLC
  • Senior Manager, Learning and Organizational Development
  • Sales Training Manager
Vice President Education & Development
+ more
  • ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
  • Certified Professional Leadership Coach (CPLC)
  • Mental Health Coach Certification
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Certified
  • Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Certified
  • Personal DiSCerment Inventory Certified
  • M.S. in Organizational Development, Loyola University
  • B.A. in Psychology, California State University

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Thomas Norris is not available. Work with a different coach.

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