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Do you want to tell us anything else about you?

Elise Gelwicks3 min read • Updated Jan 22, 2025

Do you want to tell us anything else about you?

3 min read • Updated Jan 22, 2025
Do you want to tell us anything else about you?
Do you want to tell us anything else about you?

Picture this: you’re just about done with an intense, hour-long interview responding to a mix of behavioral, situational, and case questions. Not to mention that before this point, you went through the arduous process of submitting a resume, cover letter, and job application.

You’re completely exhausted. You can tell the interview is wrapping up and you can’t wait for it to be over.

But then you get that last, dreaded question:

“Do you want to tell us anything else about you?”

You’ve just answered a long stream of questions. What could you possibly have to add? 

You’re tempted to say, “Nope, I think we’ve covered it. Have a good day!”

You don’t say that, though. You know nailing this question can make or break your chances of getting your dream job. And, afterall, you’ve put all of this effort into answering the job interview questions that you might as well finish strong.

Why Hiring Managers Ask This Question

This is a common interview question often asked by recruiters at the end of a job interview to give job seekers one final opportunity to make their case about why they’re the best person for the job. 

By asking this open-ended question, the interviewer also sees how concisely a candidate can summarize their compelling qualities that make them an excellent fit. 

There’s a famous Mark Twain quote that emphasizes why this can be so hard to do. Twain once said, “I didn’t have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long one.” It’s far more difficult to be concise. To use less words. To summarize key points. Twain understood this as he wrote, and interviewers know this also applies to responding to questions under pressure.

How to Respond to “Do you want to tell us anything else about you?”

The first step to preparing for this question is to think through a response before your interview. This question is likely to come up when you're interviewing for a new job, so don’t find yourself caught off-guard by it. The more you can think through how you’ll answer this, and every other interview question, before the interview the better.

Your brain (actually, all of our brains!) work far better when we’re in a calm mental and physical state. You’ll generate more creative, thoughtful ideas on how to position yourself when you’re sitting comfortably at home rather than in the proverbial interview hot seat.

Here’s how to summarize your skills, experiences, and expertise to answer the question like a rockstar:

Step 1: Review All of Your Prior Work Experiences

For each job you apply to, you’ll want to talk about the prior experiences you’ve had that directly relate to the specific job you’re interviewing for. To do this, start by looking at the big picture. Think through all of the companies you’ve worked and jobs you’ve had. For each job, jot down your:

  • Key accomplishments

  • Managerial responsibilities

  • Daily tasks

  • Strategic initiatives

  • Challenges you overcame

  • Cross-functional teamwork

Step 2: Narrow It Down

Once you’ve reminded yourself of all that you’ve done throughout your career, it’s time to narrow down your list to the one or two experiences that show you’re the perfect fit for the job you’re interviewing for.

For the one or two experiences you choose, come up with one core quality that you have that made you successful in that situation. It’s ideal if you can tie that quality to the job description of the position you’re interviewing for to make it clear how your skills translate. 

Step 3: Find Your “Why”

Companies want to hire people who are genuinely passionate about the value they add to their customers or clients. Think about why you’re excited about this opportunity, and how the work you’d be doing directly ties into your passions.

Essentially, you want to answer the question “why would I find this work to be so meaningful?”

Write down your response.

Step 4: Tie Tt All Together 

The best response to the closing interview question of “do you want to tell us anything else about you?” ties together all of the responses you generated in the prior three steps.

Weave together your key experiences, your innate qualities exhibited through those work experiences, and why you’re passionate about this job.

Here’s an example of a great response:

“Thanks for asking. Based on my experience leading a B2B sales team of to exceed our growth target by 30%, I know I can deliver results in this position. I’m prepared to support this team like I did at my last company to ensure they feel supported and equipped to meet and exceed their targets. Not only do I have the experience needed to hit the ground running, but I also find the company’s mission of providing funding to underrepresented BIPOC founders to be incredibly meaningful. As a woman of color, this work is exactly what I’ve always wanted to do and I’d be honored to contribute to this important initiative.”


To recap, use this closing interview question to your advantage and seal the deal in the interviewer’s mind that they absolutely need you on their team. Remember that a great answer often highights your relevant experience that would allow you to add maximum value, reinforces what motivates you as it relates to this opportunity, and summarizes your key qualifications.

With a strong, concise summary of how this work plays to your strengths and passions you’ll put the cherry on top of a great interview! We are 110% confident that you'll seal the deal on your interview and secure that golden job offer when you answer this question.

Keep us posted on how it goes - we're always here cheering you on as you navigate the hiring process and interview process!

Elise Gelwicks
Elise is a communications and emotional intelligence training consultant for companies and law firms

Interview Question Deep Dives
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Interview Question Deep Dives

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